Come worship with us.
We welcome you to the East Aurora Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We continue our mission of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ from our corner to the ends of the earth, through worship and service as faithful and obedient disciples of Christ in this community, witnessing to the gospel of life that is abundant, whole and eternal.
Worship Service
Our Sunday schedule is the same summer and winter:
10 am - Traditional worship. Children are dismissed after "Children's Moments" for a Sunday School program.
Just as the first disciples received gifts that enabled the church to be born and grow, so we who follow Jesus now are called and commissioned to do the same in our time and place. And as we here continue on our journey toward new beginnings, we trust God to lead us as we prepare to present a new and vibrant face to East Aurora and beyond.
We invite you to join us in worship, education, stewardship and service as we make Christ known from our corner here in East Aurora, to the ends of the earth. As Disciples we are part of a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world and we extend an "extravagant welcome" to all as we proclaim that "God is still speaking."
Please feel free to contact us at eastauroracc@gmail.com, or by calling the church office at 716-652-5040.