EAST AURORA CHRISTIAN CHURCH is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. The Christian Church began in 1804 as Barton W. Stone desired a place for Christian unity, but most of all, a place where there was no dogma nor doctrines, but instead a focus on unity of community and the spreading of LOVE & GOOD WILL. The Disciples of Christ church favors freedom of belief, not only in theory, but in practice. We are committed to serve the community, and to foster peace and justice in the world.
We do not profess…
…to have all of the answers to life's questions, but we believe that joining together to worship, fellowship and community service brings us to a greater understanding of our place in God's creation. We welcome ALL who wish to join us, regardless of ethnic heritage, religious faith, economical status or sexual orientation. We want to be a home, a soft place to fall, a place to work, study, worship and grow...for ALL who want to be here.
We value…
…the arts and look forward to hosting and have hosted a variety of programs such as musical performances, films, book studies, poetry readings and more. We believe that a variety of artistic venues is vital to our soul's growth and can provide a diverse resource for personal journeys of faith.
We believe…
…in an interpretation of faith that allows us to encounter God in any way God chooses to come to us. We believe that being theologically liberal is the best way for us to respect individual differences in faith and pilgrimage, and that being inclusive of all people is fundamental.
We do not…
…take the Bible literally, but we take it seriously. We believe in the teaching of the Gospels variously interpreted in an environment not based on any creed. We believe that joining together regularly for worship, study and fellowship brings us to a greater understanding of God's purpose for us.
We meet…
…every Sunday at 10 a.m. Every service includes the Lord's Supper (Communion) and an Invitation to unite with the church. However, you are very welcome to visit and "look us over" without obligation.